About Me

Glenda McDonald

Glenda McDonald - Bee You Counselling

Glenda McDonald



I am an accomplished counsellor with many years’ experience working with adolescents and families. I am a member of the Australian Counselling Association and support clients with an array of concerns including grief and loss.

My commitment is to empower clients to find their inner strength, to learn new strategies and ways of thinking as they navigate the challenges they are experiencing. My philosophy is that we all have the resources we need both within and around us to create the life we seek. With the support of a professional counsellor clients can tap into those resources and find a pathway forward. Through exploring areas of concern, focusing on values and strengths, I help clients to create the conditions for change which will lead them towards a richer, more meaningful life.

Each session is tailored to meet the clients’ personal therapeutic needs. I use a client centred approach, employing a range of evidence-based models of counselling including: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy and Mindfulness. My passion is to help clients make genuine and long lasting change for greater understanding, peace and wellbeing.


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General Counselling

I utilise a variety of evidence based therapeutic interventions including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy and Mindfulness to help clients improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

I have success working with children, adolescents, couples, resolving family issues, parenting, helping young people find a sense of purpose, and healing past hurts and trauma.

Do you need help with managing angry feelings or being more assertive in your communication? I can help you to build better relationships with your loved ones through psychoeducation and counselling. You can build your emotional intelligence, resilience to frustration, understanding, rapport and respect by implementing some changes to your thinking and communication style.

Does your adolescent suffer from low self-esteem, social or performance anxiety? Working with young people is my passion and special area of expertise. Read more to see how I can help.

Relationships and Couples Counselling

Express your emotions, gain insights and communicate more effectively with your partner to create a more loving, connected relationship. I have success helping couples with CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, ‘ACT with Love’.

When a relationship is in trouble you have 3 choices.

  1. Keep going along as you are. (Not a great choice if your relationship is bringing stress, conflict and anger rather than joy.) You don’t need professional help to do this but it is important that you acknowledge that this is an active choice.
  2. Go your separate ways. Maybe, ultimately that is the right choice for you and your partner. If that is the case, I can help you separate mindfully, respectfully and ready to move forward in life.
  3. Make changes to build a better, more loving, connected relationship. Most couples who see me have chosen this option. With guidance towards improved communication, focusing on the best qualities in your partner rather than their faults, plus an open heart, new beginnings can be created.
Family issues and Parenting

There are many great books and resources out there to help guide you with the complex business of parenting. Parenting has always been challenging but our complex, changing society where families are often separated by distance or structure, provides less of a road map for how to be the best parent you can be than ever before. Having personalised counselling to deal with your specific issues and feedback along the journey will help you be a more effective, calm and loving parent. Understanding your own needs is an important part of creating the family dynamic which will enable your children to thrive.  I can guide you to create a positive, less stressed household for a happier, more productive family environment.

Anger Management

Do you need help with managing angry feelings? Are you in a cycle of angry outbursts followed by guilt or shame? I can help you build better relationships with your loved ones through psychoeducation and counselling. I will help you build emotional intelligence, resilience, self-understanding, rapport and respect for yourself and therefore others. By implementing some changes to your patterns of thought and communication style you will have closer, more rewarding relationships with your loved ones.

Trauma and Abuse

My practice is trauma informed so that you feel safe to discuss your feelings and experiences in your own way, time and space.  I will help you to make sense of your past experiences, thoughts and feelings without having to go back and tell the story. Your reactions are normal reactions to abnormal experiences.

Common reactions to assault include:

  • Emotional shock
  • Disbelief or denial
  • Embarrassment
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Powerlessness
  • Fear
  • Flashbacks
  • Disorientation
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Anger
  • Physical symptoms of stress such as shaking and tight/sick stomach
  • Sleep disturbances

I  aim to help you create the future you desire in spite of your past experiences.

Anxiety, Depression

I use evidence-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), tailored to your needs, to help you better manage your anxiety and/or depression. Medication can be very helpful as advised by your GP or psychiatrist.   I can help you discover ways to reframe your thinking to replace unhelpful thoughts and beliefs with more helpful ones.

Wellbeing, Thriving

Just going through the motions of life? I can help you to clarify your values and to understand what makes a rich, meaningful and fulfilling life? Find joy and motivation through your values to take the actions which really matter.  Whether it is the need to build your frustration tolerance, communicate more assertively, define your goals, manage your time better or find your purpose, I will work one on one to help you to thrive rather than survive.

Get In Touch


Monday - Friday: 8.00am - 8:00pm

Saturday: 9.00am - 2.00pm